Organic inulin from Agave - promotes balance of intestinal flora
Inulin is a simple sugar from the group of non-available oligosaccharides, i.e. cabroids that are not digestible by the body.
Extracted from the Agave, a succulent plant belonging to the Agavaceae family , it is a certified organic product.
Prebiotic Properties of Inulin
Once taken, inulin transits through our intestines almost undigested until it reaches the colon, where it undergoes a fermentation process. fermentation of inulin indirectly encourages the proliferation of good bacteria that perform beneficial actions on our organism.
In fact, inulin acts as a prebiotic for these bacteria, providing them with nutrients that are indispensable for their metabolism and proliferation. The development of probiotic bacteria in the intestine secondarily has positive effects on the health of the human host organism, improving digestive processes overall and stimulating the proper functioning of the immune system.